Saturday, January 12, 2008

Debt Consolidation Isn't A Bad Thing

Today's post is about Debt Consolidation. For those of you who don't know, there are companies that you can contact who will take over your credit card debt no matter how many different accounts you have open. They consolidate it for you, often times even talk with your creditors to lower and in rare cases elimate your interest rates until you pay the debt off. It's very important to know that debt consolidtion isn't something you want to jump into if you don't have to. It does put a sort of temporary glitch on your credit report, however, if you are at a point where you cannot even pay your minimum payments without a struggle, debt consolidation is definitely the next thing to consider. Basically it is FAR BETTER than declaring bankruptcy.

Now when choosing a debt consolidation company to go with, do all the reseach you can. Make sure they are a member of the BBB and see if you can possibly get references or any type of information about other people that have used them and whether or not their experiences with that company were good or bad. And the most important thing of all, and this one I cannot stress enough...make sure that you do not leave everything in the company you choose. No matter if you're handing over your debt or not, you always need to keep a very close watch on each and every one of your credit cards. Make sure they are getting paid monthly and if you notice any problems at all, even ones that seem a little off but you don't think are a big deal, always contact the creditor to make sure everything is still in good standing. It's all still in your name so don't just trust that it's being taken care of because you've signed up with credit counseling. Join us daily for more great tips and thank you for visiting my blog. God bless.

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