Saturday, January 26, 2008

Don't Carry Your Credit Cards With You

Okay, today's post is going to sound like a no-brainer to a lot of people out there but as I've talked with many it appears that people still aren't grasping what a huge difference this one trick all by itself can do for helping to get credit card debt under control. Have you ever thought about simply not carrying your major credit cards with you every where you go? I had this tip first given to me by a friend years ago and I thought to myself, "You're joking, right?" I ask you to think about it though. If we really lived day to day as if we didn't even have the credit card (which is a heck of a lot easier to do if you don't have it ready at hand all of the time) then suddenly you would start learning to tell yourself, "I don't really need that and I cannot afford it anyways". This is a trick you will need to start training your brain to do no matter what if you want to win the war against credit card debt. We have to get back into the frame of mind where we tell ourselves, "NO!". I will admit, this is a very hard one for me as well but I'm going to do it right along with you and maybe we can help each other out by sharing our experiences. Leave your comments at the end of each post and let others know what is and is not working for you on the road to getting debt free, or at least trying really hard! Until next time, God bless and put those credit cards away in a drawer at home. For some people you cannot just cut them up so this is the second-best thing. Do it and see what kind of a difference it makes for you.

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