Sunday, January 13, 2008

One More Thing About Consolidation

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog. After thinking a little about about the debt counseling programs that are available and the many people on them, I did want to add one more bit of advice on this subject that I left out. If possible, you should try to consolidate on your own before you go searching for a debt consolidation program. The way you can do this is to work at applying with just one credit card company or asking a current creditor if they will raise your limit enough to cover the amount you need to move all of your credit cards onto one card. Naturally you'll want to do this with the credit card that will offer you the very best interest rate for the longest period of time. So, try your hand at consolidating on your own initially and then if that just isn't possible then move onto debt counselors and their programs. Remember to do your research on the company you consider consolidating with and always check with your creditors on a regular basis to be sure they are getting paid the amounts they were promised by the debt counselor. Lots more great tips will be coming next week so join us then. In the mean time, take care and God bless!

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